Courage to Proclaim, Openness to Critique
Lesslie Newbigin, Foolishness to the Greeks, p. 148 (emphasis mine)
Labels: missiology, pluralism
Writing Worth Remembering From My Reading. ------------------------------------------------------------- By the Blogger of Thinking Out Faith
Labels: missiology, pluralism
Labels: ecclesiology, ecumenism, missiology
Labels: ecclesiology, politics
Labels: ecclesiology, politics
Labels: ecclesiology, fact-value
Labels: disciplines, gospel
Labels: economics, Enlightenment, freedom
Labels: politics
Labels: ecclesiology, family, freedom
Labels: economics, Natural Theology
Labels: economics
Labels: common good, justice, politics
Labels: love, relationships, trinity
Labels: religion
Labels: Natural Theology
Labels: compromise, relativism, teleology
Labels: atheism, faith and science, reason
Labels: faith and science, reason
Labels: fact-value
Labels: faith, hermeneutics
Labels: faith and science
Labels: reason
Labels: Enlightenment, faith and science, hermeneutics, scripture
Labels: fact-value, faith
Labels: Enlightenment, reason
Labels: education, fact-value
Labels: teleology
Labels: fact-value
Labels: politics
Labels: eschatology, happiness, rights
Labels: happiness, liberalism
Labels: faith and science, purpose, reason
Labels: reason
Lesslie Newbigin, Foolishness to the Greeks, p. 19
Labels: ecclesiology, fact-value
Labels: fact-value, faith, faith and science
Labels: fact-value, heresy, pluralism
Labels: missiology
Labels: hermeneutics